0 muddy hands: 78 books + The Book

Tuesday, March 28

78 books + The Book

i dont know... call me weird. i just love books. the pictures. the words. the smell. The local librarian must think we are freaks of some sort. Because after she scanned my 12 newest selections, she peered intensely over the rim of her glasses and asked in a reproachful tone --"Mam, you do know that you still have 66 more books checked out?" You may be wondering yourself -- am i afraid i wiil never get to the library again? or do I love to sniff different books all day? no.no.no. I just love too many of them--I get overwhelmed- and I want to take them all home. The limit is 50, but i'm on good borrowing status, so they override my account. Now I am allowed 100! Is that insane or what? Have you heard the saying, "books can take you anywhere, teach you anything, and allow you to imagine you are anyone you want to be. It is so true. They are treasures to be discoverd. So is God's Word. The more I read His stories, parables, travels, teachings,commands, promises... the more I realize that I can do all things with His strength. I can not become whoever, but who He really intends and desires for me to be. I can also go so many places-- He loves world travelers. He has the best self-help chapters and actually provides all the help you need. His book includes poetry, song, drama, comedy, financial advice, parenting tips and love letters. The best thing about His book is that He speaks to you while you read. Hebrews 4:12 says it best," For the Word of God is living and powerful... It is not a book on tape --It is just ALIVE! Check it out. No late fees. Just treasure and adventure to be discovered.
Oh Lord, how I do love your word. Even when it cuts to my very core. The more I study- the more I know you. Thank you that you wrote this book for me to enjoy. May my beloved sisters and brothers in Christ savor each and every word that we read. May the truth dwell in us richly. As we read your law, love, commands and promises - teach us to be like you. My heart's desire is to live a life of radical adventure always being transformed into your image while sharing you with others. Take my life - it is yours. Give me the desire to devour your word not just daily, but throughout my days. When the chapters of my story are written I pray that your name is written over and over on each page. Praise you Jesus for the greatest story ever told. Your daughter, Muddy Hands
Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which when a man has found it, he hides it, and for the joy of it goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. Matthew 13:44


Blogger terrible speller said...

You crack me UP! I can just picture me pulling up to your house catching you sniffing all your library books. I am giggling right now.



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