0 muddy hands: chameleon in the mirror

Sunday, November 6

chameleon in the mirror

i am like a chameleon- easily changeable.
i am fiesty, dramatic, messy and distracted, but i am also quiet, solemn, neat and focused. i like me.

I haven't always felt this way and quite frankly, I still on occasion struggle with shrill whines and grumbles about who I am. So do many of us, if the truth be known. My boys and I are avid fans and readers of Eric Carle books. One of our favorite books deals with a chameleon who is not content with who God created them to be. He/she wishes they could be a little of this and a little of that. Only to find out in the end that being who he was created to be is the best choice. The story ends with the chameleon's thought --
" I wish I could be myself".
Do you ever wish you were someone else? Do you ever wish you could be a little of this or more of that? Are you content with who he has not only created you to be, but called you to be? Are you living out your own reality of life with Christ or what you think someone else would have you be? Life is so beautiful. We are each so distintive. Our creator fashioned us so perfect in his image. He really thinks we are great. So why do we tend to forget the truth from his word? Our creator wants us to like who we are because he is the master craftsman and you are his handiwork. He who began a good work will follow through to completion. God is doing some incredible reconstructive work in my life. Couldn't we all use an ambush makeover some moments in our lives. The truth is, Christ is revealing the truth about who I am through his word. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, lend your ear to hear-- open your eyes to see --taste and see that the Lord God is good. He tells us over and over in his verse that we are made in his image and that he can transform us to his likeness. I would love to share with you, as well as remind myself, his pounding truth as to who we are: blessed with every spiritual blessing, holy and blameless before him in love, adopted by Jesus Christ, accepted, forgiven, sealed with the holy spirit, alive, free, justified, chosen, loved with an everlasting love, desired, wonderful, beautiful, empowered, royalty, redeemed, conquerors, ambassadors, full of hope and the list goes on... Are you having trouble believing this could actually be you? Don't take my word for it --- verify yourself -- His word is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. His word declares the true identity of who we are and gives us true value and worth. I love it. I love it. I love it. Seeing one's self through the eyes of God makes all the difference in how I see me!!! Take another look in the mirror. Can you see the reflection of the one who loves you for who you are...
I love you Lord. Thank you for creating me just as I am. Take the areas in my life that do not bring glory to your name. Burn away the draws that keep me from shining for you. Teach me contentment. Allow me vision to see the goodness and beauty that you have bestowed upon me. May my entire life be a declaration of your consuming love. May I be found devoted to your word to the point that every thought becomes obedient to you. I praise you my God and my friend. You are all that I need. Draw me close to you that my soul will scream of your majesty.

All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him. 2 Cor 3:18


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