0 muddy hands: triumph

Monday, October 3


knight in shining armor.
the castle of splendor.
amazing gowns glistening with brilliant jewels. As a child, I guess I imagined that all my dreams would come true. As an adult I have realized that they have, but not as I had dreamed them before. You see, my knight did come to get me, but he actually came as a king-- the King of Kings. My beautiful castle is the name of the Lord which is a strong tower. I am given full access into the throne room to sit at his feet. He invites me to feast with Him at his banquet table. He is a fortress from the enemy. And as for my amazing gowns -- he clothes me in righteousness which is more brilliant than any stone. I am the King's and He is mine!
Jesus, lover of my soul, how I long to be forever in your presence. Your love captivates me and brings rest to my soul. Time alone with you is what I ask humbly for. Your words are like honey to my lips. Fill me with resounding praise and overwhelming joy. Refine me. Set me before kings or peasants and I will glorify your name. I will not be moved. You are my fortress, my ever-present help in times of need. Praise you for your sovereignty. Thank you for leading me gallantly!
But thanks be to God! He always leads us triumphantly in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of knowing him. 2 Cor 2:14


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